PICO-8 Wiki
pairs( tbl )
Returns an iterator of key-value pairs for all elements in a table, for use with for...in.
The table.

The pairs() function is used exclusively with for...in to iterate over all elements in a table. It emits the key and value together, which you can assign to variables in the for loop:

for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
  -- ...

pairs() returns every value in the table, not just those with sequential indexes. It can return keys and values for tables being used as mappings (dictionaries) or objects.

pairs() does not guarantee the order in which the results are returned.


t = {111, 222, 333}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
  print(k..': '..v)
-- 1: 111
-- 2: 222
-- 3: 333

t = {n=42, x=100, y=200}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
  print(k..': '..v)
-- x: 100
-- y: 200
-- n: 42

See also
