PICO-8 Wiki
chr( [ord [, ord2, [... ordn]]] )
Gets the character(s) corresponding to ordinal (numeric) value(s).
ord [, ord2, [... ordn]]
Zero or more ordinal values (typically one) to be converted into characters in a string.

A string consisting of as many characters as there were ordinal values. Default output is an empty string.

This function permits conversion of an arbitrary number of ordinal values to the character(s) they correspond to, in the form of a string.

The ordinal(s) can be obtained either from some reference or data source, or by calling ord() on one or more characters in an existing string.

This can be used to easily produce characters from their numeric representations:

> print(chr(104))
> print(chr(105))
> print(chr(33))
> print(chr(104)..chr(105)..chr(33)) -- concatenate 3 single characters
> print(chr(104, 105, 33)) -- or have chr() return a 3-character string

This allows a string to be easily and rapidly created from a list of ordinals that represent it. There are many ways this might be done, including reading strings from memory or save data, or sending strings through an arithmetic encryption/decryption process.


This implements reading a length-prefixed "Pascal" string from memory:

-- read a string from memory containing a pascal-format string:
--  bytes 0,1: 16-bit length
--  bytes 2->: character ordinals
function peekstr(mem_addr, max_len)
  -- read the 16-bit length stored in the first 2 bytes
  local len = peek2(mem_addr)
  -- limit the length in case it is corrupt
  len = min(len, max_len)
  -- build a string from the stored ordinal bytes after the 2 'len' bytes
  return chr(peek(mem_addr + 2, len))

(See ord() for the complementary pokestr() code example.)

This is a rather naïve implementation of the simple ROT13 cipher most programmers learn about during their education, which can be used both to encode and decode strings:

function rot13(s)
  local r = ""
  for c in all(s) do
    if c>='a' and c<='z' then
      -- subtract ord('a') == 97 to make the range 0..25, 
      -- but also add 13 to rotate the alphabet by half, 
      -- giving -97 + 13 = -84, then modulo and add 97 back
      c = chr((ord(c) - 84) % 26 + 97)
    r = r..c
  return r
> print(rot13("omg!"))
> print(rot13("bzt!"))

Technical notes[]

  • Every ord argument is ultimately treated as an 8-bit unsigned integer, as if chr()'s implementation begins with ord &= 0xff. In other words, it is floored to a whole number, modulo 256.
  • If an ord argument is a string that satisfies the conditions of tonum(ord), it will be converted internally to a number. This means that both chr(33) and chr("33") will return "!".
  • Other types, and strings that cannot be converted to numbers, will be treated as if ord were 0.
  • chr() is similar to string.char() in native Lua, but is more flexible. For instance, while the string to number conversion was already part of string.char, the modulo 256 operation was not.

See also[]
