Hello, anyone know an easy way to screenscrape Pico games for my retro handheld? What is the big secret to setting up my menu? So far i was able to screenscrape a couple of them changing the games metadata. Ugh, i am using Screenscrape and logged in to it. You would think it would be smart enought to just screenscrape it using the default name of the cart. Any help is appreciated!
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Been no post for a year
Anyway, my school iPad just blocked lexaloffle.
Ima see myself out.
Am I able to allow the user to save their game, as I am making an RPG that will need the ability to save the user's progress. I don't really care how I have to do it, I just need to know how. BTW I am extremely new to PICO-8.
What happens when you run out of them? I mean I've done quite a bit of searching but still cannot find anything on it, All I've found are unanswered posts or posts that have multiple questions and another one was answered and there is no page on tokens and it is not in the manuel!
So I found two functions, the two functions are oval and ovalfill, they weren't documented on this wiki yet, so I decided to document the two functions, you can find them if you search "oval".
The Pico 8 white is different from the actual white (color #ffffff)
Hi guys! I need a bit of help with pico-8.
The truth is a don't know so much about programming in pico-8, but I really like some demos i've seen in twitter with the hashtag #tweetcart. Many of them are beautiful visual demos. The thing is I want to take some of this demos, put them on a cart and call each of them assigning each visual to a different key of the keyboard. I want to use this visual for live shows and run pico-8 from a RasPi. Is it possible to do that? How can I do it? What do I need to read for making this possible?
Okay so I need a little bit of help. I need to have one of the Admins request a site dump on the PICO-8 wiki. It says here that you can basically download the entire wiki: https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Database_download but I can't because there is no dump: https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Statistics I don't know if there is an Admin on the wiki but if they could request a database dump that would help tons. I do all my Pico-8 programming on a computer not connected to the internet and could really use constant access to the wiki instead of having to go to another computer. Thank you very much, and I look forward to you guy's help!
Is pico-8 capable of sending http requests? For example if I successfully win a game or complete a level can the game then send a POST request to a REST api to update my profile with a high score or something?
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